We remember today as Good Friday because when we look back, we remember what Jesus did for us on this day, but on the day around 2000 years ago, there was nothing good about it. It was a horrendous day for Jesus and all who watched on. From the moment he was...
Today is the day that marks the first full day of the Passover celebration, although in the Hebrew calendar the first full day started at sundown yesterday. It is the day that all the crowds had come to Jerusalem to celebrate and remember how God delivered them out...
As we follow Jesus through the third full day after coming to Jerusalem, and after a very full on day yesterday of teaching and being questioned in the temple, there is very little recorded about what happened on the Wednesday. Maybe Jesus took the day to rest up as...
As we follow Jesus through the second full day after coming to Jerusalem, we begin with him leaving the house in Bethany and heading once again for the temple in Jerusalem. I can’t imagine he really slept much last night anyway with all that was going on and the...
Yesterday, Jesus came into Jerusalem on a young donkey and people lined the streets for him, singing and dancing, giving praise to God, and treating him as their King. It would have been one massive street party. I wonder what was going through Jesus mind though as...