Praying with COOL

Looking to God, speaking to Him, and listening to what He says to us, is our first core value and is the foundation of everything else we do.  Prayer underpins every element of our work, so we rely on the prayers of our community to uphold us and support us in the big events but also in the day to day work that we do.  Without your prayers, COOL would not be able to continue to operate as it does.

We have two specific prayer events for COOL throughout the year, usually in May and November, where we meet together as a community to pray but we want you to be equipped to pray in your own prayer times, and as a church, more effectively for COOL.  To receive a monthly email prayer update with specific thanksgiving and prayer requests, please complete the form below.


  • Lock-down was quite challenging in many ways, as I’m sure it was for you all too. We found that during lock-down, the online Timmy Time really helped us stay close with God and talk to other people through Google Meets. During Lock-down, we would always be looking forward to Fridays where we could listen to the Bible talk and then catch up with people who we hadn’t seen for months.

    During this whole pandemic I think many people around the world found it hard to trust God and remember that he is in control, having Timmys on a Friday definitely kept us reminded that God is in control during these hard times and that he is always there for us and he has a plan.

    Hannah and Mia - S3

  • The weather obliged and snowed right on cue for the third year in a row! Drew Kuzma, our speaker, spoke from the heart, in a really raw and heartfelt way - and honest - which I know spoke to almost everyone, so it was pretty intimate in that way. It was nice just for all the youth, no matter what age, to be together!

    Emily Brown - Alltnacriche Weekend Attendee